T-port™ Enteral Access System
Our T-port™ is used for therapies where repeated, or longer treatments, with gastrointestinal access are needed. The system can be used for enteral infusion of medicine, nutrition and other liquids.
Clinical studies show that our T-port™ has several advantages over traditional PEG/J systems. With our T-port™, an open hole through the skin to the stomach is no longer needed for distribution. Instead, it passes through a titanium plate that is attached just under the skin and is connected to an intestinal tube and an external connection. This results in fewer leaks, position errors and folds on the intestinal tube. In addition, the construction means that the patient does not have to permanently wear uncomfortable tubes on the outside of the body.
For more information about T-port™, contact Anders Nordin – anders.nordin@transcutan.com